Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Enough Already! Journalists Beware--Bread and Circuses

Stop. Do not say, print, or broadcast another word about Anna Nicole Smith. What in the hell is wrong with you people? This is not a news story. And it is damn sure not the story of the century. It's not journalism; it's not even OJ. The semi-accidental death of a stripper who happened to get lucky with some 90 year old billionaire is not worth more than 2" on page 7 of the poorest local rag. Has the entire profession lost their collective minds? You are being manipulated to ignore legitimate stories -- like the 20 tons of hundred dollar bills that were flown to Iraq and lost by whomever was in charge. Don't you think the news might should devote a little more time to Attorney General Gonzales' precarious situation, instead of Miss Smith's untimely death? You are just proving what an ancient Roman philosopher said - "All the people care about is bread and circuses." What he inferred was, that if you can keep the general public happy and full--they will not question anything their government is doing. Wake up, and shut up--unless, of course, you have something to say about something that actually matters.

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